
Thursday, November 28, 2013

The sisterhood of travelling puns.

Kerryn Kapitola To all those I told I wasn't travelling international this year... turns out I was wrong.

Claire Elsdon Where are you off to?

Peter Kapitola Madeupistan?

Kerryn Kapitola illsmackyourheadinistan?

Peter Kapitola youaretakingittoofarandruiningitistan

Kerryn Kapitola okay, I'm going to Thailand for a short trip in November... it's right next to youvemadeyourpointistan.

Peter Kapitola I knew you would never be thaid down for long.

Jessie Kapitola oh Peter *groan* that is awful!

Kerryn Kapitola Phuket you

Peter Kapitola Kerryn, I canada stand such a language.

Peter Kapitola What would Mum say if she heard you talking like that? I think alaska.

Kerryn Kapitola Peter, we are two of a Pair. Ru.

Peter Kapitola Oman that was a bad one Kerryn

Kerryn Kapitola Yemen, I know.

Peter Kapitola So what uganda do on your trip?

Kerryn Kapitola I'd like to learn qatar, but I'll have to czech african.

Peter Kapitola Norway is that going to happen

Kerryn Kapitola why? because I have insomalia?

Peter Kapitola I don't belize you have it in you

Jessie Kapitola oh boy - I can't take this anymore!!!!

Kerryn Kapitola do you mean it's time... Togo Jessie?

Peter Kapitola You're finnished already?

Jessie Kapitola aarrgghh!!!!! That's it, I'm not looking at my notifications any longer!

Peter Kapitola We are causing spain to Jessie

Kerryn Kapitola that's bolivia!.. but maybe I'll just walk along the beach picking up seychelles

Kerryn Kapitola enough throwing estonias into the facebook world

Peter Kapitola Yes, those who live in glasgow shouldn't do that

Peter Kapitola Hmmm, I'm racking my bahrain to come up with them now

Kerryn Kapitola c'mon Jessie, ghana have a go?

Kerryn Kapitola just kuwait Jessie, we'll get you in

Peter Kapitola Taiwander how we can convince her

Peter Kapitola When she thinks I'm nothing budapest

Kerryn Kapitola everwanda how to do it?

Peter Kapitola Java good idea yet?

Peter Kapitola We should tell her that laughter is good for the seoul

Kerryn Kapitola well, I can put up with it because we have the same suriname

Peter Kapitola True. We always come back for samoa

Kerryn Kapitola Ukraine? I can hear the Wales from here

Peter Kapitola Namibiam being too harsh on her

Kerryn Kapitola nah, I don't think so, just as long as you don't russia

Peter Kapitola I think part of it was that she was getting a bit hungary

Peter Kapitola Sometimes you just gotta get food india

Peter Kapitola So mum agreed to let you go travelling again huh? How'd jamaica?

Kerryn Kapitola I said I'd feed our Equitorial Guinea pig for a month, and make sure he doesn't get Chile

Peter Kapitola Armenia going with ya?

Kerryn Kapitola many were interested, but with the cost, not many romania-d

Peter Kapitola So you are going soloman?

Kerryn Kapitola Bahahamas

Kerryn Kapitola Bhutan count on it

Peter Kapitola I imagine going with friends would sweden the deal though

Kerryn Kapitola the costa rica was a bit high

Peter Kapitola Syriasly, we've managed to keep this going well

Peter Kapitola Irish there were more countries we could use

Kerryn Kapitola true, but cuback off

Peter Kapitola Kenya think of any more?

Kerryn Kapitola only if I can use some elbow greece

Peter Kapitola I Haiti it when our pun sessions come to an end

Kerryn Kapitola I'm sure there are germany more that we haven't thought of

Peter Kapitola I don't like tibet, but I think we are nearing the end

Kerryn Kapitola israelly hard now

Kerryn Kapitola guyana getting tired?

Peter Kapitola Yeah, there use to be brazillions of them

Peter Kapitola I think iran out.... no, wait there we go

Kerryn Kapitola this stress is hurting my brain. my hair is starting to malta

Kerryn Kapitola my brain has a malawi

Kerryn Kapitola and some of our sentences are nepalling

Peter Kapitola Well don't get madagascar at me

Kerryn Kapitola hey, just because I'm a girl and uruguay

Kerryn Kapitola sorry, I'll stop being so senegal

Peter Kapitola If you were a man we'd be a paraguay

Kerryn Kapitola I can't be a man, that's against the Palau

Peter Kapitola But if you were a man, you could have a korea

Kerryn Kapitola at least I don't serbia in a liechtenstein

Peter Kapitola Well I should really ivory coast

Kerryn Kapitola yeah, my netherlands are getting full

Peter Kapitola AWKWARD

Peter Kapitola OK. Abyssinia

Kerryn Kapitola take carribean

Peter Kapitola So long island!

Peter Kapitola Uganda have the last one?

Peter Kapitola Tuvalu! --

Kerryn Kapitola Tuvalu! --

Tabita Crisan Thanks for the entertainment guys!! That was a gold thread to read.. Are u sure u can't think of any Mauritius?

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