
Sunday, August 25, 2019

Piscine About

Larry Travis I'm perched and ready to grab this day by the sole of its feet!

Peter Kapitola I don't know... this Latin seems kinda fishy.

Larry Travis On what do you bass that conclusion?

Peter Kapitola I think the OP was just trawling.

Damon James I see you're trying to lure me in with puns, but I'm not taking the bait.

Larry Travis Hey, a comments section on Peter's post! Let's fillet with puns!

Damon James I sea what you did there.

Larry Travis Good catch!

Peter Kapitola Yeah, I fish for them often.

Larry Travis I've noticed! No one could say you need to widen your net.

Peter Kapitola Hmmmm.... what should be the next pun? I might have to mullet over.

Larry Travis I can't think of anyfin.