
Saturday, January 26, 2019

Quick Unpickard

Larry Travis I'd call that a new low.

Peter Kapitola Yar.

Peter Kapitola Don't worry Larry, it's just a, no it's not.

Larry Travis I'm glad you haven't felt defensive and put your shields up.

Peter Kapitola But surely you can join me on this punning Enterprise?

Shawn Klimek Sorry, not this generation.

Peter Kapitola But I just know you vulcan!

Shawn Klimek That’s your human side talking.

Larry Travis You really thought we'd be in stitches laughing at this?

Peter Kapitola That's the hope to which I was Klingon.

Larry Travis Sorry I had to pick that hope like a bird of prey!

Adam Philp It sew sees what you did there.

Peter Kapitola That makes it all Worf it.