
Sunday, April 13, 2014

TK-42pun, why aren't you at your post?

Kerryn Kapitola Before she met Han Solo, Princess Leia was looking for love in Alderaan places.

Thank you. I'm here all week.

Boyd Zurg nah, she just didn't luke hard enough

Peter Kapitola I think you mean all weak.

Peter Kapitola I guess I shouldn't be tauntaun you so much, because you have brought together two of my favourite things.

Boyd Zurg careful Peter, she'll give you a death star(e)

Kerryn Kapitola *sigh* I could try, but he'd just think it was a moon.

Peter Kapitola I have a bad feeling about this.

Boyd Zurg Kerryn, since Windu people mistake your face for your butt?

Kerryn Kapitola Kenobe honest? They are just too many Star Wars puns. Are you going to keep going, Organa stop?

Peter Kapitola They come to you Mos Eisley, do they?

Kerryn Kapitola This could be the punfest to Endor punfests.

Peter Kapitola We may need to Hoth another topic involved as well. I'm feeling hungry, so perhaps we could get some Calamari, Mon?

Boyd Zurg Please don't make such inSidious comments. Seems like you're trying to force the conversation to end.

Peter Kapitola Oh Boyd, your feelings are Hutt so easily.

Boyd Zurg no, its just that there's a darth of good punfests lately

Peter Kapitola Yes, the lack of puns is palpatine.

Peter Kapitola Hmmm, I'm still hungry. With so much at steak, I guess I'd need to go to a fully armed and operational cattle station.

Boyd Zurg I prefer Calamari. Steak's too Chewie.

Ashley Griffiths It's a trap!

Ashley Griffiths Sorry that's all I had

Boyd Zurg Yoda man!

Peter Kapitola The commander of the imperial legion on Endor may have been asleep on the job, but Ewok to quite a surprise.

Kerryn Kapitola This Fett-ish we have with Star Wars puns is just Grievous.

(Did you like that one? You can Padmé on the back)

Boyd Zurg Yep, but puns on this topic r 2 dear 2 withhold.

Richard Kohlhagen Don't force it, but don't jibber Jabba. Binks and you'll miss the next pun.

Peter Kapitola Nice Richard, I C3 puns. Oh how good!

Peter Kapitola Perhaps it's time to let Qui-Gons be Qui-Gons?

Peter Kapitola Kerryn, you know how much I Needa good pun.

Peter Kapitola Y'avin a good time?

Peter Kapitola These puns are so cheap it's like they're having a sale; barge right in!

Kerryn Kapitola Sale of the Millennium?

Peter Kapitola Hmm, these are getting so bad they're starting to smell ranc(or something like that).

Peter Kapitola My sense of humor us only alleJed - I can't prove it exists.

Kerryn Kapitola Well, it's my new hope that we'll saber these times.

Peter Kapitola Ask a marine to open your stuck jar - jarheads are good at that.

Peter Kapitola Don't worry Kerryn, when it comes to that hope you're not a(c)lone.

Peter Kapitola Yep, it's a good sale ... Oh-(just)-buy-one!

Kerryn Kapitola I thought that was the last pun but ... no, there is another.

Kerryn Kapitola I think, perhaps, our journey towards the dark side is complete.

Boyd Zurg Fear is the path to the Dark Side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to no more puns.

Luke Koster I'm laughing so hard I have Anakin belly.

Peter Kapitola Perhaps I stole too many of the puns that were left, how sithpicable of me to show such Greed - oh there I go again!

Peter Kapitola Mr. Calrissian was an important part of the Cloud City Lando-wners Association.

Peter Kapitola Admiral Ackbarista asked me to try a nice hot beverage - but it was a frappe!

Peter Kapitola Man, nobody else has added a pun for a long time. I find your lack of pace disturbing.

Luke Koster You Bespin ning out a lot of puns. I'll take a Jabba't a few more.

Luke Koster I'd try for another, but there is no try.

Boyd Zurg Patience you must have, my young padawan.

Luke Koster Maybe I'll have a snack while I try to think of more... *om nom mon mon mothma nom nom*

Boyd Zurg wow you certainly Mauled that snack

Peter Kapitola Yeah, you eat like the Wookie Monster.

Peter Kapitola I think I can Leia few more on the table before they start Rieekan too much.

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