
Saturday, August 1, 2015

Regressive Humour

Anton Hallam Hello all. For those that are interested, it seems results for Semester 1 have been posted.

Daniel Braithwaite Thanks for the pass on with this Anton, credit where credit is due, and done with such distinction.

Anton Hallam Hahaha. I didn't know they had a unit for forced puns in second year!

Brittany Crook Ahh, Dan wouldn't fail to C A chance to B punny.

Daniel Braithwaite Yep, always playing the percentages.

Brittany Crook see what I mean.

Brittany Crook not just your average joker.

Daniel Braithwaite I do try to stay ahead of the curve, but one mustn't think of oneself too high. Distinction and acting in such way is important.

Brittany Crook Agreed - one must keep with one's standard. Deviation from it should result in seeing oneself out - 'lier' is never a description worth achieving.


Zac Ogilvie I'm pretty tide but I could maybe do a couple [of moon puns]. You lunartic. I'll need some space to come up with a crater response than this...

Brittany Crook ... So you can eclipse all previous comments with your amount of cheese?

Zac Ogilvie I'm taking one small step back here. Don't want my dark side exposed.

Brittany Crook Maybe if you plan et carefully you could rock it with your comme(n)t.

Zac Ogilvie I give up, don't mean to wane but there's definitely egg on my phase.

Brittany Crook Aww don't stop! If it's any constellation, you could have a quick nap - tune in again after the Buzz of your alArm. Strong commitment to such a mission is attractive.

Zac Ogilvie You're too stellar Britt, it doesn't buggy me but I've got 'naut left in my boosters.

Brittany Crook Ur an ace! Anyone would Neil before your superior stardom, cos most aren't asterrific. You sat elite, beyond e-ven us.