
Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Killer Volts

Lee Herridge added a new photo to Peter Kapitola's timeline.

Peter Kapitola Nice! Except the right path in the bottom picture totally gives you a way to escape death.

Boyd Zurg Resistance is futile.

Kezza Kay Ohm My God.

Peter Kapitola I'm sensing a dark undercurrent to this post.

Kezza Kay I'm circuit all will be fine if we just conduct ourselves in a way that lives up to our high potential.

Peter Kapitola Some may ask wire we doing this.

Boyd Zurg I refuse to listen to those people

Peter Kapitola Good idea - they're so negative.

Morris Evans Yeah let's switch the subject.

Lee Herridge I'd have to say I don't glow why we're doing this. Maybe we feel powerless in the face of all these puns.

Morris Evans Someone needs to lock all of those killers up... in kilovolts.