
Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Sore Bones

Peter Kapitola

  • Patient: When you do my surgery, can you let me close up the incision?
  • Surgeon: Fine, suture self.

Ryan Hancock Too funny, had me in stitches 😂

Peter Kapitola

  • Patient: Great! Can I do my own anaesthesia as well?
  • Surgeon: Sure, knock yourself out.

Angry White Mail

Peter Kapitola If you rearrange the letters of MAILMEN, you can make THEM VERY ANGRY.

Jessie Kapitola 🙄 

Jason Bagwell Jessie how do you cope?

Peter Kapitola I letter roll her eyes at me a lot.

Jason Bagwell Jessie, if he goes missing, we'll all understand. The Outback is huge.... just sayin.

Kezza Kay Do they go postal?

Peter Kapitola Nah, they take out their frustrations in a mailboxing ring.

Kezza Kay I mean, it's a good pun, but it is all about the delivery.

Peter Kapitola I'm glad that you've addressed this.

Kate Wilson Kezza and Peter, you know what they say about wordplay with siblings: puns in the family

Kate Wilson What about the people who deliver the bills? They're fee mail. And when a mailman and a mailwoman run away and get married, they envelope.