
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Single Lens Reflux

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Peter Kapitola: My coffee helps me focus.

Shemmariah Beth Oh my goodness I need this! lol

Elaine Schneiker Love those mugs!

Chris Roberts It must be nice to fstop and enjoy this while the world zooms by.

Peter Kapitola I think I will just cut to this now:

Chris Roberts So should we try for coffee related puns or have we bean there too?

Peter Kapitola Java couple on hand?

Daniel Braithwaite I'll affagato some puns

Peter Kapitola That was quick (almost by express)so I am impressed.

Chris Roberts Suits me to a tea. But I'm not going to sugar coat it: chai as you might you'll find yourselves in hot water if this becomes a competition. You'll be creamed.

Daniel Braithwaite What level of caffeine exposure do you deem safe? Do you apply any metering to each cup and how fast do you get it down your aperture?

Daniel Braithwaite I could zoom through a few right now, but I'll let the things develop first

Peter Kapitola Don't be so bitter Chris, you're just asking for a roasting. Your attempts are easy to moch - a long black mark on your record in fact. After I give you a good tamping down (which will be more than a frappe on the barista I assure you) you'll be left wondering how I managed to cap you so easily.

Boyd Zurg You guys seem to always be frothing at the mouth with these conversations. Can't you just latte go, and enjoy each other's wit?

Daniel Braithwaite I feel I have to step in at this point and say enough all white. Balance is required. Let's make sure we present ourselves in a good light.

Boyd Zurg Dan, I filter need to say that photography puns have already been milked (see above link). Though I do like how you've blended the two topics in some instant-ces.

Daniel Braithwaite Oh, I am plunging into old ground. Coffee from now on it is

Kerryn Kapitola Well, this punning thing looks pretty easy, I might give it a shot.

Kerryn Kapitola Soy, I'll just skim over all the milk jokes then?

Daniel Braithwaite The puns here ma-de scale to new altitudes

Did this make you laugh or do you have any more to contribute? Please add them in the comments section.