
Thursday, July 11, 2013


Chris Roberts Many years ago two brothers invented a cabinet full of sliding receptacles for storing clothes. One wanted to call each receptacle a 'sliding shelf', the other a 'convenient compartment'. They fought about it for years, but neither could convince the other. So in the end they called it a draw.

Craig Sutton-Smith Just as well they didn't call it a tie.

Peter Kapitola Oh Chris, you really have to draw jokes out, don't you. But I don't suppose there's any way we are going to shelve your sense of humour for good. You wear it constantly like a robe to ward off tedium. I'm sure there's a good name for a robe that does that but I can't think if one right now.

Chris Roberts Well Peter, I'm happy to furnish you with some suggestions if you ever wish to win the punning cup. Bored as you might feel by these jokes I'd like to table a suggestion before we put them to bed. Maybe rather than lampooning other's wit you should consider showing some chairity. Sofa you've just made a couple of puns that I'd deskribe as lazy. Boy, you could be getting these from a book (case in point).

Peter Kapitola Well, you've certainly given me a good dressing down and chaisetening. But perhaps you could have couched it in less abrasive terms, and with more polish. I feel somewhat buffeted about, so perhaps more cushioning would have been in order. Anyway, I can't lounge around here all day, better run.

Daniel Braithwaite Chris and Peter, your puns remind me of a stool.