
Thursday, October 30, 2014

Sew Many Puns Seemstressful

Peter Kapitola The local haberdashery put in a new access ramp, for those sew inclined.

Brittany Crook I'm glad the council gave their ascent so the store could a dress the issue.

Boyd Zurg I wonder when the other stores will cotton on to its importance and lift their game.

Brittany Crook Maybe now that a descent pattern has been established, the need'll be less overloocked.

Peter Kapitola It was councilwoman Jenny who escalated the issue. People have been quick to Singer praises.

Boyd Zurg Ah yes, weave heard about Jenny and how she takes steps to prevent looming council issues.

Brittany Crook I wonder if she will chair a forum to outline ways to tackle them.

Brittany Crook Although she may have to cut off crafty attempts to elevate less important hobby horses.

Kerryn Kapitola I can't comment because I don't have all the facts to baste my opinion on.

Brittany Crook Well, fine details are hard to pin down.

Kerryn Kapitola I'll needle'l more time as well.

Brittany Crook I suppose careful attension won't go astray - wouldn't want to waist good progress with a bust up.

Granny Mellor Oh to have a local haberdashery!

Peter Kapitola Oh, Jenny is fab(Rick the Mayor often commends her). She's not one to hem and haw or spin things to the press. She's witty too - we're often in stitches listening to her recount a tailor have a yarn. She seams pretty hard to ruffle. Our close-knit community would be clotht without her.

Brittany Crook She sounds like a pearl. Transparency is really important in these situations, and you'd hate t'affeta deal with a crotchety council member.

Kerryn Kapitola Wow, Jenny sounds great.. now I wish I'd satin on one of those council meetings. At lace they'll be another one next month.

Brittany Crook Yeah I missed it too, I'm 'frayed. I woodn't want to be button in, though... If I get an invite by text I'll go.

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